Monday, January 27, 2014

Hey, it's another day in the Good Ole South. Man, time needs to stop. This is going by way to fast. It feels like I just got here and now we are almost done with the transfer. I think I might stay this one, but don't know for sure.

  Well this week I will compare it to Ether 3. actually I will compare the whole transfer to Ether 3. We have been looking for ways to spark the work here. Brain storm after brain storm, the four of us have been thinking and thinking until we just can't think anymore. Then I thought: what are we missing? Prayer. I thought  about that for a sec and two spictures popped into my head. D&C 6:36 and 3rd Nephi18:19-20.

  "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."  and 3 nephi18:19-20 "Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name; And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you." we needed to ask God  have faith that he would answer.

  As we have done that, many awesome things have happened. Less active members are coming to church, and we are getting referrals left and right, new Investigators wanting to know the truth. I know that prayer is not just where we ask for things. It's our time to talk to our Heavenly Dad. He wants to hear from us. He does not need prayers; we need to talk with him. That is why he always says ask and ye shall  recieve.

Love y'all.  I need to take pictures to send some.
From Elder Duron.  

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